I drive the same routes and roads over and over, I begin to notice signs to interesting sites. I mean, not interesting enough that I have made it to those sites before, but interesting enough to say to myself, "Huh...maybe I should check that out some
time." Of course, I never do and I just drive by the sign over and over again. Some of the Tucson signs I see are: "Rooster Cogburn's Ostrich Farm," "Biosphere 2," and
"Tucson Botanical Garden Butterfly Magic."
Recently, I was heading to Pinetop with some friends, and lo and behold, we see the "Biosphere 2" sign, and one of my friends suggested we check it out. I wrestled with my rigid commitment to promptness, and turned off the main drag to the side road.
I wish I had tales of Biosphere 2 to dazzle you with, but the truth is we arrived as it was closing and guffawed at the $20 per/person entry fee. But we had a great photo opp and curiosity was suppressed.
We shared an adventure and we laughed.
Take the side road for three reasons:
- Quench curiosity (De-clutter the brain from the list of future "to do's" by just doing it)
- Not be a slave to the clock (realize that taking 10 minutes out of the day won't end the world)
- Laugh